Be ready to inspired by this collection of Friendship Quotes that you can share to your friends and special someone, just copy and paste it in your Facebook wall or in your Twitter. If your have your own Friendship Quotes and Sayings, we would love to hear it or just email it to us with a subject: friendship. Enjoy!
"Love your friend so much, but don't let her know to much
Cause once your friend become a foe, the whole will know,
It isn’t a good day, I wont forget this day,
Like how they so called friends where all against me."
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"Friendship is a chain of gold, each link a smile,
a laugh, a tear, a grip of hand, a word of cheer.
No matter how heavy the load, i'll be your friend
until we grow old."
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7 colors make a rainbow
7 chords make a music
7 days make a week
7 continents make a world
and 7 beautiful letters make
us 'F R I E N D S'
"Friendship lives forever
as long as we exist..
you may not see me, i may not see you,
but the essence of our friendship
will see us through!"
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"As long as there are good friends who tap your back
For all the cute and sweet concerns,
Failure will just be ant bite."
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"If you are a lone, I will be your shadow.
If you want to cry, I will be your shoulder.
If you want a hug, I will be your pillow.
If you need to be happy, I will be your smile.
But anytime you need a friend, I will be just me"
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'I'd like to say something
It's not as humble as sorry
or not as sweet as "iloveyou"
all i want 2 say is..
thank you for being one of my smiles! "
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"I'm ur friend but
God is your Bestfriend
you can cry to me but
God can dry ur tears
I love you but
God loves you deeper
you can hold my hand but
God can carry you better"
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"Wealth can melt;
Pleasure is unsure;
Power is not forever;
but FRIENDS who remmber each other..
will always stay together..hapi 2 hav u as 1.."
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"I may not have the best lovelife in the world..
BUT i am blessed with super great friends in the land.."
thanks for being one!"
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"The best thing you can
do for a friend when they’re hurt,
Is to be there, even when
you have nothing to offer but your presence."
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"Do I have to say take care
every day , everyday hour, every second?
yes maybe i must..
so that tommorow If I didn't wake up atleast
I have told you.. how much I really care for you!"
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"A real friend...
not only goes
out with you anywhere
you go, but also remembers
you no matter how busy
they are, who takes
there time to say "got a
problem? I'm still here"
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"..Its weird how you go from being
strangers to being friends to being more than friend
then suddenly.."
back to bein practically strangers again.."
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Listen and Silent:
are two words having the same letters.
they are significant in a FRIENDSHIP
because only a friend can listen to you
when you are silent.
"You were someone I don't even know before..
you were someone I don't expect
I'll get along with..
but it turned out you've given me
One of that best friendship ever.."
If you have you own Friendship Quotes and Sayings, feel free to share it with us and we will be very glad to have it posted here. For more reads, just log on to or visit Boy Banat Official Facebook ( Page for the latest features.