Friends never make assumptions about you. They never expect a reason to go out with you. In fact friends only expect you to be you. Here's a list of Visayan Friendship Quotes and Cebuano Visayan Text Messages SMS that you can share with. If you have your own favorite Visayan Friendship Quotes and Cebuano Visayan Text Messages SMS, we would love to hear it, simply add a comment below or just email it to us with a subject: visayan friendship. Hope you'll like it!
Ayaw biya-e ang mga karaang
Amigo kai lisod ilisan...
Ang panag-amigo mura ra sab ug vino;
magkataas pangidaron, magkalami ang ilimanon...
Sama ra ikaw ug ako; ikaw ngkataas ang idad,
ako usab nagkalami!
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All my life I'm a loser
From Ideas..
and Love Life..
but in Frindship..
nah!! I'm blessed.. naa gud ka kinakusgan???.
If I were to convert my heart
into a room full of friends
it will be very crowded,
but dont worry, theres still
a place for you to stay..
I'll shout lang.."isbogi! kay naa koi special guest!
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Pirates need treasure maps to find precious things.
Di nila alam d kailangan ng map pra mkakuha ng TREASURE!
la gani koh map nag ila tah! XD
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Sometimes friends will have to say goodbye,
but I'll hold you hands tight so you can't go,
enc If you say "buhii ko ba!"
I'll still beside you & tell you
"yaw pamiya ba, garaa pd nimo oi!"
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You may meet other friend
Better than me..
Funnier than me..
Sweeter than me...
but one thing I can say to you..
"Duklon" tikag ilisan ko nimu!
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"Special friends" are really hard to find!
labi nag "hitsura-an"
lisod pangitaon!
maong advice na ko sa imu
never let me go..XD
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If ever someone will hurt you
tell it to me
You know what I will do?
I'll simply sapak there face & say:
"gusto k mamatay ug sau?
mabuang man gni q ug pktwa ana,
pahilakon ra nimo! hehe..
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I can't promIse that I will not leavE you
sometimes we need say "goodbye" because we can't hold"
on to sOmething till the end but aLways remember
"friends jpun tah" bsag minyo nka ha?
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Ayaw biya-e ang mga karaang
amigo kai lisod ilisan...
Ang panag-amigo mura ra sab ug vino;
mgkataas pangidaron, magkalami ang ilimnon...
Sama ra ikaw ug ako; ikaw nagkataas ang idad,
ako usab nagkalami...
If you have your favorite Visayan Friendship Quotes, feel free to share it with us and we will be very glad to have it posted here. For latest quotes, jokes and banat lines, just visit us again at or at our Boy Banat Official Facebook (
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