Looking for new, your favorite, and best quotes by Wiz Khalifa? Check out this collection of new and best selection of quotes by rapper Wiz Khalifa. Cameron Jibril Thomas, better known by the stage name Wiz Khalifa, is an American rapper and also influenced by the music famous artist such as Jimi Hendrix, Camp Lo, TheNotorious B.I.G. and Bone Thugs-n-Harmony among his influences. If you have your own favorite Wiz Khalifa Famous Quotes and Sayings, we would love to hear it, simply add a comment below or just email it to us with a subject: wiz khalifa, and will posted up for you. Hope you'll like it!
Ray plus the baby face got the whores in line
but the difference is with yours and mine
I'm with a group of tens friend
its the march of dimes!
Check out this video about the Wiz Khalifa Quotes on Youtube
If I were lame, only just for a week. Id look myself
on the mirror and shoot the first thing I see.
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I got my salary up
now all the bitches say hi to me
i’m smoking loud
and these niggas just tryin to be high as me!
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Without me you're a dime, but with me you're a
buck fifty. I can get another 1 quickly,see
you be catching feelings now & I be catching planes,
the story of my life, you're just another page!
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I’m a cigarillo fiend
Smokin weed like its oxygen
Roll a lot of skunk
Need some blunts get 2 boxes in
Gonna pull my stash out
Rollin up this half ounce
Puff pass nigga I puff grass til I pass out!
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I like the south but I won't miss these bugs bro.
Flesh crazed insects that attack you soon as
your guards down when you least expect it.
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I'm on the grind
money is time
so why waste it
and everything but my piss clean
im high maintenance!
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Some people make your life better by walking into it
while other people make your life better
by simply walking out of it.
I smoke good everyday
probably live the life you wish you could everyday
probably think I had it good had it made
but i’m from the burgh
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We are just having fun...
We don't care who see,
So what we go out?
That's how its supposed to be...
Living young and wild and free
I roll up that herb!
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You aint gotta hold it too long
this is rapper weed
couple hits is all you gon need!
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They ask me if I'm lonely . .
I say I ain't as Long as my Money's Good.
Cause she's my One & Only
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She said she like my pittsburg slang,
So I'll let her wear my pittsburgh chain...
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Sometimes I wanna meet the man, but in my mind
I wanna stay young like Peter Pan.
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